Salary Calculator Australia

Calculate Your Pay

This Australian Salary Calculator will show you what your weekly, fortnightly & monthly Income or Net Salary will be after PAYG tax deductions. The Salary Calculator will also calculate what your Employers Superannuation Contribution will be. If you have HELP/HECS debt you can calculate debt repayments. And you can figure out are you eligible for and how much of Low Income Tax Offset you can get.

2023-2024 Tax Rates: Our salary calculator is updated with ATO tax rates for 2023-24.

Lost Super

There is $13.8 billion in lost & unclaimed super across Australia. Make sure none of it is yours!

Lost Super Lookup Tool

Super Guarantee Percentage

On 1 July 2023, the super guarantee rate will rise from 10.5% to 11%. For salary and wage payments made on or after 1 July 2023, the new superannuation guarantee contribution rate of 11% will apply. So double-check your payslip and make sure employer is paying you the correct amount of super!

Compare Salaries

Time for a performance review? Use this calculator and compare your current and new salary. Even if your new salary includes superannuation, you can figure out what would your gross salary would be by selecting "Includes Superannuation".

Current Tax Rates

Salary Calculator Australia is updated with 2023-2024 ATO tax rates, but you can also calculate taxes for the previous year, i.e. what income tax is payable based on 2022-2023 ATO tax rates.

Calculate salary for non-residents

NEW: Now you can calculate your salary and your tax withholding if you a non-resident for tax purposes in Australia. Just select "Non-Resident", click "Calculate" and calculator will update calculations with non-resident tax rates.